Banking Notes – Bank notes are a term related to banknotes issued by the Central Bank of the country. The notes of the bank itself are classified as the most common form of money used all over the world.
Banking notes are usually used as a legal payment means in trade activities or other economic transactions. In Indonesia, circulating bank notes are the rupees issued by the Indonesian Bank.
Banking Notes
Bank notes have a certain nominal printed value using paper that is quite durable and difficult to fake. As the most commonly used payment means, bank notes play an important role in world economic and financial activities.
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Banking notes have many important functions in economic activity. In short, from different sources, below is a function of the bank notes:
Bank notes are an official payment tool and is recognized by the government. Each country has its own currency issued by the Central Bank.
Banking notes or banknotes also operate to maintain a currency exchange rate. Each country has its own exchange rate, which is defined by the economic power of the country.
Bank notes can also be used as a measurement tool or standard value in the economy. For example, the cost of goods or services can be assessed in certain banknote units.
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In this case, the bank notes that it operates as a standard measurement to measure market trade at the value of goods and services.
Access to a sufficient number of banknotes can promote the country’s economic growth. With the presence of bank notes, the public can easily carry out the transaction and economic activity can be well undergoes.
In the financial system, Bank Notes plays a very important role. Although technology has become more advanced at this time, bank notes or banknotes are still a very important way to pay economic activity.
Thus, the use of bank notes should be maintained and overseen so that the financial system can work properly. Questions are anonymously placed and can be made 100% private.
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The Origin Of National Bank Notes
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